[1] Xu Ke, Zhu Min, Hu GuangWu, Zhu liang, Zhong YiFeng, Liu Ying, Wu JianPing, Wang Ning, Towards Evolvable Internet Architecture-Design Constraints and Models Analysis (accepted), Science China, 2014.
[2] K Xu, W Chen, C Lin, M Xu, D Ma, Y Qu. Towards Practical Reconfigurable Router- A Software Component Development Approach (accepted)[J]. Network, IEEE, 2014.
[3] Xu K, Shen M, Cui Y, et al. A Model Approach to the Estimation of Peer-to-Peer Traffic Matrices[J]. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2013.
[4] Xu, K.; Zhong, Y.; He, H., "Can P2P Technology Benefit Eyeball ISPs? A Cooperative Profit Distribution Answer[J]," Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2013.
[5] Hu G, Xu K, Wu J, et al. A general framework of source address validation and traceback for IPv4/IPv6 transition scenarios[J]. Network, IEEE, 2013, 27(6): 66-73.
[6] Wang H, Wang F, Liu J, et al. Accelerating Peer-to-Peer File Sharing with Social Relations[J]. Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on, 2013, 31(9): 66-74.
[7] XU Ke, Hongying Liu, Jiangchuan Liu, Jixiu Zhang, “LBMP: A Logarithm-Barrier-based Multipath Protocol for Internet Traffic Management,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 22(3):476-488 2011.
[8] LI Dan, WU Jianping, LIU Jiangchuan, CUI Yong, XU Ke, “Defending Against Distance Cheating in Link-Weighted Application-Layer Multicast,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 19(5):1448-1457, 2011.
[9] XU Ke, Ming Zhang, Jiangchuan Liu, Zhijing Qin, Mingjiang Ye, “Proxy Caching for Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming,” Computer Networks 54(7):1229-1241 2010.
[10] LIU Jiangchuan, WANG Haiyang, XU Ke, “Understanding Peer Distribution in the Global Internet,” IEEE Network July/August 2010.
[11] XU Ke, Ming Zhang, Mingjiang Ye, Dah Ming Chiu, Jianping Wu, “Identify P2P Traffic by Inspecting Data Transfer Behavior,” Computer Communications 33(10):1141-1150 2010.
[12] XU Ke, Mingwei Xu, Qi Li, Song Lin, “Analysis and Case Study on Multi-dimensional Scalability of the Internet Architecture,” Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(11):1661-1680 2008.
[13] XU Ke, Huan He, “BGP parallel computing model based on the iteration tree,” The Journal of China, Universities of Posts and Telecommunications 15(Suppl.): 1–8 2008.
[14] MA Zhen, Ke Xu, Jiangchuan Liu, Haiyang Wang, “Measurement, modeling and enhancement of BitTorrent-based VoD system,” Computer Networks 56:1103–1117 2012.
[15] HE Huan, Ke Xu, Ying Liu, “Internet resource pricing models, mechanisms, and methods,” Networking Science 1(1-4):48-66 2012.
[16] HUANG Yan, Ke Xu, Haitao Li, Yang Cao, Xin Yao, “Large-scale P2PVOD system: Focusing on clients,” SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES 54(8):1677-1690 2011.
[17] LI Suogang, Ke Xu, Ying Liu, Jianping Wu, “Edge Overlay Multicast to Support Comparable Multi-class Services,” Journal of High Speed Networks 17(1):13-36 2008.
[18] LIU Chunyu, Ke Xu, “Framework for End-to-End Optimal Traffic Control Law Based on Overlay Mesh,” Journal of Communications and Networks 9(4): 428-437 2007.
[19] CUI Yong, Ke Xu, Jianping Wu, Linjian Song, “CBroadcast: an Application Layer Multicast Mechanism based on Combination of Central Control and Self-organization,” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 2(4):232-238 2007.
[20] WU Jianping, Ke Xu, “Next-generation Internet Architecture,” Journal of Computer Science and Technology 21 (5): 723-731 2006.
[21] 徐恪,朱亮,朱敏.互联网地址安全体系与关键技术.软件学报,2014,25(1):78−97.
[22] 徐恪, 张赛, 陈昊, 等. 在线社会网络的测量与分析[J]. 计算机学报, 2014, 37(1).
[23] 师雪霖, 徐恪. 云虚拟机资源分配的效用最大化模型[J]. 计算机学报, 2013, 36(2): 252-262.
[24] 徐恪, 林嵩, 吴建平. 基于用户效用的三网融合演化模型与分析[J]. 计算机学报, 2013, 36(5): 9039-9039.
[25] 张春燕, 徐恪, 钟宜峰, 等. 多接口移动主机用户与网络服务提供商间的动态博弈过程分析与求解[J]. 计算机学报, 2013, 36(7).
[26] 朱敏, 徐恪, 林嵩. 面向应用适应能力的互联网体系结构评估方法[J]. 计算机学报, 2013, 36(9): 1785-1798.
[27] 吴建平, 林嵩, 徐恪, 等. 可演进的新一代互联网体系结构研究进展[J]. 计算机学报, 2012, 35(6): 1094-1108.
[28] 徐恪, 朱敏, 林闯. 互联网体系结构评估模型, 机制及方法研究综述[J]. 计算机学报, 2012, 35(10): 1985-1985.
[29] 陈文龙, 徐明伟, 徐恪. 可重构集群路由器并行路由分发模型[J]. 通信学报, 2012, 33(6): 118-124.
[1] Guangwu Hu, Ke Xu, Jianping Wu, A Controllable, Manageable and Scalable Architecture for Large-scale Enterprise Networks.IEEE HPCC,2013.
[2] Ke Xu, Min Zhu, Ning Wang, Song Lin, Haiyang Wang, Tong Li, The 2ACT Model-based Evaluation for In-network Caching Mechanism. The IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2013.
[3] MA Zhen, Ke Xu, Yifeng Zhong, “Exploring the Policy Selection of P2P VoD System-A Simulation based Research,” IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2012.
[4] XU Ke, Hongying Liu, Jiangchuan Liu, Meng Shen, “One More Weight is Enough: Toward the Optimal Traffic Engineering with OSPF,” IEEE ICDCS 2011.
[5] XU Ke, Meng Shen, Mingjiang Ye, “A Model Approach to Estimate Peer-to-Peer Traffic Matrices,” IEEE INFOCOM 2011.
[6] XU Ke, Haitao Li, Jiangchuan Liu, Wei Zhu, Wenyu Wang, “PPVA: A Universal and Transparent Peer-to-Peer Accelerator for Interactive Online Video Sharing,” IEEE IWQoS 2010.
[7] Haiyang Wang, Jiangchuan Liu, Bo Chen, Ke Xu, Zhen Ma, “On Tracker Selection for Peer-to-Peer Traffic Locality,” IEEE P2P 2010.
[8] LI Haitao, Ke Xu, James Seng, Po Hu, “Towards health of replication in large-scale P2P-VoD systems,” IEEE IPCCC 2009.
[9] XU Ke, Xiaowei Ma Chunyu Liu, “A Hash Tree Based Authentication Scheme in SIP Applications,” IEEE ICC 2008.
[10] XU Ke, Minpeng Qi, Haitao Li, Peng Yang, Hui Deng, “A Novel Interfacing Solution to Make IKEv2 Work in MIPv6 Environment,” IEEE ICC 2008.
[11] XU Ke, Yahui Yang, Tao Chen, “Improving BitTorrent Network's Performance via Deploying Helpers,” IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing 2008.
[12] XU Ke, Jiangchuang Liu, Lizheng Fu, Chunyu Liu, “On the Stability of Application-layer Multicast Tree,” ISCIS 2006, LNCS4263 2006.
[1] XU Ke, Yifeng Zhong, Huan He, Internet Resource Pricing Models. Springer, 2013.
[2] 徐恪, 任丰原, 刘红英. 计算机网络体系结构-设计,建模,分析与优化[M]. 清华大学出版社. 2014.
[3] 徐恪, 徐明伟, 陈文龙, 等. 高级计算机网络[M]. 清华大学出版社. 2012.
[4] 徐恪, 吴建平, 徐明伟. 高等计算机网络: 体系结构, 协议机制, 算法设计与路由器技术(第2版)[M]. 机械工业出版社. 2009.
[5] 徐恪, 吴建平, 徐明伟. 高等计算机网络: 体系结构, 协议机制, 算法设计与路由器技术[M]. 机械工业出版社, 2003.